Lacock Resident’s Parking Scheme

Lacock Resident’s Parking Scheme

Parking in the centre of Lacock Village.

An increasing number of visitors parking in the village can make it challenging for residents wishing to park near their homes. Excessive parking can also lead to increased congestion, and in some cases damage to Residents’ vehicles.

One solution to this issue is to introduce a residents parking scheme for “on street” parking throughout the centre of the village; see area outlined in red on the map below. Such a scheme will prohibit visitors from parking in the residents parking zone unless they have prior permission from a scheme sponsor (a resident or business in the village): this could be implemented if sufficient support is forthcoming.

Proposed Residents Parking Zone

The Parish Council, supported by the National Trust, are seeking to address wider Parish traffic and pedestrian safety. A Resident’s Parking Scheme is one potential initiative; we need the views of Residents, and Community stakeholders on the introduction of such a scheme. If there is sufficient support and evidence to justify such a scheme, then the Parish Council can develop a full proposal engaging further with Wiltshire Council and scheme operators to deliver the best solution.

An early draft proposal for a Resident’s Parking Scheme has been prepared to inform this consultation, a Question and Answer Sheet is enclosed.

A questionnaire has also been prepared to collect information and measure the support for a Parking Scheme. The questionnaire was closed to responses on 26th July 2024. All the data will now be collated into summary information to assist Lacock Parish Council in any scheme development, and this summary information will be available via the Lacock Parish Council website.