It is a legal requirement for Lacock Parish Council to be consulted by Wiltshire Council, as Planning Authority, on all planning applications made within the parish. In considering any planning application the Parish Council can resolve to raise no objection, object to the proposal or make no comments, but in making such a consultation response it has to be appreciated that Wiltshire Council is the decision making body which has the right to accept or reject the resolution of the Parish Council. John Boldon is the Parish Councillor who leads on planning matters and summarises each planning application for discussion at the monthly Parish Council meetings.
You can view planning applications, decisions and all supporting documents on the WCC Planning Portal and submit your own personal response in support of or against any application directly to Wiltshire Council.
When Lacock Parish Council considers any planning application it must have regard to the planning merits of the case and any relevant planning history on the site or surrounding area. However, of particular importance is the views of local residents and the perceived impact of the proposed development on the local area. We can only know the views of residents if residents contact us, so please let us know your views by contacting the Parish Clerk on or use the contact form.
Note: Planning applications for maintenance of trees (Thinning, topping, removal of dead trees) is typically supported, while removal of trees will be reviewed on a case by case basis.